Saturday, August 21, 2010

Other posts @ TSN website you may like

Handwashing Lessons color sheet, lessons, animated handwashing song
H1N1 lesoon

Rhinovirus lesson

Therapeutic Projects by TSN walking song video, global health songs,

Meeting of the Two Year Old Mind 2 yr old reation to

Saturday, January 3, 2009

12 Nurse Visits via 12 Days of Christmas with Patient Jenna

Jenna and I wanted to have some fun with healthy eating. Jenna is my Teenage Partial Paraplegic patient. She is a delight to care for. I used to care for Jenna back when she was a toddler and have been friends with the family since that time. They moved a couple times and now I am back caring for her. She is now 17. She was born with NF1 and several other health issues. Because of the NF1 she had corrective surgery for Scoliosis which dislodged a tumor and caused her partial paraplegia. The Dr's. said she would never walk again and of course this is not the first time Jenna has left people in awe. Jenna is working hard with her PT, OT, Nurses, Family and cheered by friends to walk again. We are working on a song about walking and hope to record it soon.

"12 Nurse Visits" is a little fun we had with a familiar song to encourage Jenna to eat more fruits and vegetables and to drink more water and eat prunes.(new for her, she said she did not like them and of course, I asked have you tried them and she said no, well, she tried them and likes them) Having regular Bowel Movements is a major concern for Quadriplegic and Paraplegic patients. Enjoy, pass it on to your friends.
For Healthy Living, Dawn

Friday, December 19, 2008

Follow The Singing Nurse onTwitter

Just wanted you to know that you can follow me on Twitter if you like. I like twitter because it is a fun place to connect to interesting people who have similar interest. You can check a person's bio, read some of their twitter/comments and see who they are following. Then, you decide if you want to follow them. I have chosen some nurses and people in the music world to twitter with. I also like the fact that it is short and to the point. Check it out at

You can also see my most recent video at
which describes my new The Singing Nurse Healthy Gift Pack, an assortment of items that are thematic, to go along with my CD of Children's health songs.
God Bless, Have a Very Merry Christmas

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Nurses Talk

Looking for nurses who work with small children and are involved in educating them in simple health concepts. I'd love to hear from you. School Nurses, Public Health Nurses, Health Professionals?

For Healthy Children,
Ms. Dawn, The Singing Nurse

Sunday, September 21, 2008

New YouTube video review of TSN CD

Hi, Just recently added a fun review of my "The Singing Nurse" children's CD of health songs on YouTube, check it out at
Have a good week....Ms. Dawn, The Singing Nurse

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Tools and Methods for Educating Preschoolers and Young Children for Healthy Living.

I'm a nurse and musician who works with children. I use music to educate children for healthy living. I use music and movement to nurture body, mind and spirit and would like to hear from parents and professionals who educate children for healthy living. I'd like to hear from Parents, Grandparents, Nurses, School Nurses, Teachers, Preschool teachers, Sunday School Teachers, Home School Parents, Audiologists, Dentists, Public Health Professionals, Lyme Disease Educators. I'd like to hear your methods for educating children, what curriculum, music, books, videos, props etc. that have been helpful to you.
I'll start!
I have been using music primarily and have recorded a children's CD (The Singing Nurse, Nurturing Body, Mind and Spirit) with simple upbeat songs about; washing hands, brushing teeth, visiting the Dentist, the Audiologist, not spreading germs around, babies and God's thoughts about us.
I have used a fun CD by Rocfish(a young Australian group)It has the music with words and music without the words which can be an option for making up song if you like or having upbeat music to move to. I use pictures from the Internet and put words to songs I've written and used it in book form. The kids really like it and I usually do this at the end of a session with the kids to allow them to settle back down for classroom time. Music is a medium that children really enjoy. Music allows them to express themselves as well as pick up the message you are trying to convey to them. I like using The Transiberian Orchestra when I do obstacle courses with the kids and this allows an opportunity for exposing them to great music. The Internet is also a great resource for finding some fun favorite kid dance songs, like the Mexican hat dance, the hokey pokey, the chicken dance which I use to promote good "movin' it" fun. Would love to hear from you. You can check out my website and music at:
Dawn, The Singing Nurse